Chits and Chats 1: Doctor Who Binge Watch!

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I want to apologies for not being very active with my post on this blog. The main reason is because my 'A' and backspace key on my keyboard went without any warnings or any hits dead. Therefore, I had to always copy and paste the aces and when I wanted to delete something, I had to highlight the word or  sentence and delete it with a delete button, which got me very very annoyed sometimes that I didn't even wanted to turn on my laptop, let lone write long posts (Yes, I'm struggling very much at this moment trying to finish this post). Yeah, sorry for that (even though nobody reads my blog anyway) I'm getting it fixed as soon as possible.

Enough about my non-functioning keyboard though, let's talk about something different. How are you? Ok? Did you enjoy your holidays? I did. Even though it mostly was just me binge watching every Christmas movie I love.

Speaking of binge watching, I have decided that in my spare time, I will binge watch Doctor Who (FINALLY!!). I have already seen season 1 but I finished watching it right before my exam week last year so I kinda had to stop and focus on my studies instead and then I just forgot (how silly of me..) . So now, that I am on my "break" from school (gap year), I decided to continue watching it in my spare time and I'm very excited!!!!! Have you seen DW? Tell me in the comments bellow :-) (no spoilers pls, i beg youuuuuuuu).

I guess thats ll from me now:)


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