Chits and Chats 2: Daydreaming

2:41 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing but lately I have found myself daydream more and more each day. Not that I don't like daydreaming, because let's face's millions times better than reality, but I feel like it's not normal anymore. Before, I would chose to daydream. I would daydream only if I was alone and had nothing better to do. Now days, it just happens. Today I found myself sitting with few adult people having a conversation I was hardly part of. They asked me couple of things here and there but mainly, they just talked to my parents. And then it happened. The thing is though, I didn't realized it until I stopped. Does that happen to anybody? Is that normal? Some days I feel like even though I have been physically awake but I still wasn't. My mind wondered somewhere else.

Please let me know your thoughts...


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